Monday, February 15, 2010

I Love Top 10s!!

This may be a quick post because as you know, I recently became a VERY busy girl because I get to plan a wedding! Obviously this means I have to include a picture of my ring. Anyway, I subscribe to "Everyday Health: Diet and Nutrition" online and today's post was titled "The Anti-Cancer Diet: Foods that Fight Cancer" and it's a top ten list written by Eric Metcalf. I happen to be totally obsessed with top ten lists so I wanted to share. I'll list the food and the types of cancer that it protects against.

1. Garlic - Esophagus, stomach, colon
2. Berries - Every kind!
3. Tomatoes - Prostate
4. Cruciferous Vegetables (like Broccoli & Cabbage) - All kinds
5. Green Tea - All kinds - they can shrink tumors and slow cell growth
6. Whole Grains - Colorectal
7. Tumeric - can inhibit some types of cancer cells
8. Leafy Green Vegetables - same as tumeric*
9. Red Grapes - Prostate**
10. Beans!!! - All types

*Try something other than romaine or spinach. Kale tastes great chopped up and wilted in a bowl of soup and it's crunchy.
**Remember that red grapes make red wine so obviously these are interchangeable ; )

Check out the site to get a lot more info and pretty pictures. The reason I love top 10s so much is that it reminds me of simple healthy foods to pick up the next time I'm at the grocery store.

One more thing - I think people are having trouble leaving comments. Could someone leave a comment so I can see if it's working or not? I'll be moving the site to a better blog site soon so it'll be a little nicer.


  1. Awesome list! I like most of these foods, except I don't do a lot of the leafy greens. I'll work on that.
    I think a glass of red wine a night would be a good habit. I already do the green tea almost everyday.
    Nice picture of the ring.

  2. Thanks for the comment! You do love spinach with lots of dressing : )

  3. WoW!!! Can you say...BLING?!! Beautiful ring!
    oh...and the top 10 is very you have a FB page for The Hungry Bean? Have to admit, I've never had green tea. At least, not that I know of! Enjoy everything else listed, good reminder to be more aware of what I'm eating ... how's chocolate rate?! ;o)
