Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm back. Again.

The New Years resolution = fail. Oh well. I've been very busy getting married and starting a life with my husband! Not to mention, I've been job searching like crazy. I have 3 interviews in the next 2 weeks so I think all the hard work is finally paying off. I've also been working on my professional portfolio - as a dietitian, I'm actually required to do this and I have to send in a learning plan every 5 years to keep myself on track. Blogging was something that kept popping up while trying to make my learning plan so I got excited to get back into it. I also may have another blog project on the horizon but more on that later!

I'll still be working on pantry staples - they are so important! I'd also like to include more recipes, equipment staples, and current issues in nutrition. If anyone has any suggestions for topics, let me know! And don't forget to subscribe!

<3 Megan

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