Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcoming Myself to the Blogosphere...

Every year my new year's resolutions look something like the following: Lose 10 pounds, Run a marathon, Stop biting my nails, Save $5,000. This never happens. I actually don't think I've ever even attempted any of these ideas past 1 week. On top this year is "start a blog". With my "Blogging for Dummies" book and a notepad next to me, I think this may be a good year for me. Recently I became a Registered Dietitian, but I'm way too busy bartending at a college bar to go find a job. This blog is my way of sharing 5 solid years of top-notch nutrition education with the world while keeping up on current research and perhaps even getting lucky enough to figure out what I want to do with my degree while writing about it.

Oh, I suppose I should comment on this picture. Fortunately I don't normally look like that (just got done zip-lining through the jungle) but if you've never tried coconut water, I highly recommend it! It has a lot of the same properties as a sport's drink, but it's all natural and doesn't taste like melted candy. I'm pretty sure it comes bottled at health food stores so when I try that version I'll let you know.

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